University of Economics in Katowice to cooperate with the Katowice Special Economic Zone


The University of Economics in Katowice has signed an agreement with the Katowice Special Economic Zone (KSEZ). As part of the agreement, the KSEZ will support over the Management course.

The document regulates the principles of participation in ensuring high-quality education, determining the program needs that arise in connection with changes in the economic environment and their adaptation to the needs of the labor market, participation in creating and giving opinions on the development strategy of the indicated directions of universities and partnership in the implementation of the practical profile.

Students will be invited to meet economic practitioners and investors from the KSEZ Zone. They will also participate in internship or apprenticeship programs. The company provides logistics and premises for internships and apprenticeships. Qualified staff of employees will undertake each of the tasks resulting from the agreement, including conducting specialist classes for students of the field.


Higher education