University of Gdańsk awarded in the Promyk 2018 competition


The “Seekers of the Lost Hall” project of the University of Gdańsk received the distinction in the category “New media” in the competition for the best project promoting and communication activities of the university – Promyki 2018 – informs the University spokesperson, Dr. Beata Czechowska-Derkacz.

“Seekers of the Lost Hall” is an escape room in the open air. This is the first such student initiative of this type in Gdańsk. During the field game, students and university staff looked for secret, interesting places on the campus in Gdańsk, and learned about them, solved various puzzles and tasks. The project was prepared and implemented by Radio MORS of the University of Gdańsk in cooperation with the Student Research Club “Inspiar”.

Promyki is a competition for the best project promoting the marketing and communication activities of the university, organized for eight years by the Association of PR and Promotion of Polish Universities PRom. The Association includes the largest public and non-public higher education institutions in Poland.
