University of Gdańsk receives over 320 thousand PLN for the project University of Gdańsk- International Friendly


The University of Gdańsk will implement the project “University of Gdańsk – International Friendly”. Over 320 thousand PLN as part of the “Welcome to Poland” competition will be allocated for this purpose by the National Agency for Academic Exchange.

The assumption of the project is to take integrated actions to support the institutional capacity of the University of Gdańsk in the process of its internationalization and to prepare the academic community and the university’s infrastructure to accept and service students, foreign staff as well as international partners.

The benefits of implementing the project include increasing the potential of the university as a center adapted to taking on the international environment, both in terms of preparing the academic community and everyday functioning. The functioning of the university as an attractive academic center will affect the positive perception of Pomerania and the whole country and the increase of Poland’s attractiveness on the investment map of the world.


Higher education