University of Life Sciences in Poznań helps to protect bats


The Poznań Board of Municipal Housing Resources, in cooperation with the University of Life Sciences in Poznań, erected several dozen shelters for bats in the vicinity of Poznań fortifications. Thanks to this initiative, these beneficial mammals will have more shelters throughout the year. The shelters for bats were created as part of the “EKO-ACTIVE” project, the partner of which was the faculty of forestry and wood technology of the university.

The main goal of the project was to learn and actively protect birds, bats and insects. With this aim, scientists conducted educational lectures. After each lecture, project participants could actively engage in the protection of the animals they met through building shelters for them.

Children with their parents, grandparents and friends participated in the activities. This allowed for the activation of people of all ages, and the final effect brought booths prepared and signed by children.

More: Universityet – przyrodniczy – w – poznaniu – wspieraj – ochron – nietoperzy

