University of Lodz announces the finalists of the Competition for the Professor Kotarbiński


The University of Lodz announced a final list of books under the Competition for the Award of First Rector Prof. Tadeusz Kotarbiński of the University of Lodz for an outstanding scientific works in the field of humanities. The first prize amounts to PLN 50,000.

The list of the fifth competition includes: “Herbert. Biography And Anxiety. Biography II Mr. Cogito ” by Andrzej Franaszek,” Kol isze – the voice of women in Yiddish poetry (from the sixteenth century to 1939)” by Joanna Lisek, “City in Action. Warsaw Housing Cooperative – a common good in the modern era” by Magdalena Matysek-Imielińska, “Constructing social representation of borrowings until the end of the 18th century” by Zuzanna Zbóg and Piotr Zbróg, and “Cruel self-immolation theater. Suicide protests on fire and their echoes in contemporary culture” by Grzegorz Ziółkowski.

The winner of the competition will be announced on November 24, 2019 during a gala ceremony that will take place in Łódź.

Events Humanities