University of Lodz to celebrate 25th anniversary of the Faculty of Management


On Tuesday, September 24, 2019, the Faculty of Management at the University of Lodz (UŁ) will celebrate its 25th anniversary. The ceremonial meeting of the Faculty Council will be combined with naming the auditorium A3 after Prof. Zofia Mikołajczyk, who co-founded the Polish school of management sciences. Professor Zofia Mikołajczyk was head of the Department of Organization and Management for many years, and then she ran Department of Management at the University of Lodz, member of the Committee of Organization and Management Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, she was a co-founder of the Polish schools of management sciences, an outstanding expert in the field of management methods and techniques as well as change management.

The highlight of the jubilee will be the gala combined with the solemn meeting of the Faculty Council.

Currently, the Faculty includes nine departments and it educates nearly four thousand students in eighteen fields of study. For 12 years it has had the scientific category A. The Faculty of Management is also one of the faculties most often chosen by candidates for studies at the University of Lodz.

Events Higher education