University of Łódź to present ‘Horizons of the Humanities: World achievements in the study of antiquity and the Middle Ages’

Andrzej Stawinski/REPORTER

October and November 2022. The Ceraneum Centre of the University of Lodz (UŁ) is finalising the project ‘Horizons of the Humanities: World achievements in research on antiquity and the Middle Ages’. On this occasion, a series of meetings will be held at the University of Lodz with foreign scholars specialising in Byzantine and Slavic spiritual culture and the history of medicine of antiquity and Byzantium. 

The first of these events took place on Friday 14 October, and was a seminar on the spiritual culture of Byzantium and Slavonic times with Prof. Marie-Hélène Blanchet (National Centre for Scientific Research, Paris), Prof. Alessandra Bucossi (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice) and Dr. Bojana Radovanović (University of Vienna).

The theme of the seminar was medieval polemical literature primarily Catholic-Orthodox and Arab-Christian. 

A series of open lectures on the history of ancient and Byzantine medicine will still take place in October and November, delivered by Dr Irene Calà (Ludwig and Maximilian University of Munich and University of Ulm) and Dr Laurence Totelin (Cardiff University).
