University of Opole implementing a project in the prevention of cannabis use


The University of Opole is implementing the Erasmus + Program of Strategic Partnerships for Youth. The partners of the university include the University of Harran (Turkey), the University of Oslo (Norway), the University of Istanbul (Turkey) and the Portuguese non-governmental organization Associação Juvenil de Deão. The project concerns the prevention of cannabis (hemp) use.

The work is based on the data of researchers from Opole and Oslo. Opole sociologists, Dr Magdalena Piejko-Płonka and Dr Michał Wanke, use data from their projects implemented under grants from the National Bureau for Drug Prevention.

As part of the work, a preventive course for young Turks and an educational film by Tunc Topcuoglu – a Turkish artist working in Amsterdam were created. The project group was invited by the magazine Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy to edit articles devoted to the cultures of cannabis users and the cultural aspects of marijuana markets and production.


Higher education