University of Poznan to implement projects financed by the Foundation for Polish Science


Four projects of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (AMU) won in TEAM and TEAM-TECH competitions organized by the Foundation for Polish Science. The total amount of funding is over PLN 14.5 million.

In the TEAM category, three projects of the University will be co-financed. Two of them are carried out at the faculty of biology: under the supervision of Dr Krzysztof Sobczak – “RNA-based pathogenesis with the expansion of trinucleotide repeats – mechanisms and strategies of treatment” and of Dr Piotr Ziółkowski – “Identification of chromatin factors affecting meiotic recombination in plants”. The project ​​”The most important concepts of historical thinking” of Dr Ulrich Timme Kragh from the faculty of modern languages also was awarded.

In the TEAM-TECH category, the winner was the team of Poznan Science and Technology Park of the UAM Foundation for the research “New inductors of plant resistance and their use as an innovative approach to protecting plants from pathogens”.

Higher education Research and development