University of Silesia in Katowice maintains position in UniRank 2024 ranking

Fot. Adrian Slazok/REPORTER

The University of Silesia in Katowice has maintained its 11th position among Polish universities in the new UniRank 2024 global ranking of higher education institutions. Taking into account all universities worldwide, the university ranked 1062nd among the nearly 13,900 educational institutions assessed.

Founded in 2005, uniRank is the leading international higher education portal and search engine, providing reviews and rankings of more than 13,900 officially recognised universities and colleges in 200 countries.

The uniRank compilation aims to provide a non-academic ranking table of Poland’s best universities and higher education institutions based on valid, unbiased and uninfluenced online indicators provided by independent web analytics sources, rather than data provided by the universities themselves.

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Higher education