University of Silesia to receive grant under the Horizon 2020 program for the T4E alliance


The University of Silesia together with partners from the Transform4Europe alliance: The European University for Knowledge Entrepreneurs received funding for the “Transform 4 European Research and Innovation” project under the Horizon 2020 competition. The amount of the grant is almost EUR 2 million.

The funding will help transform the scientific potential of the member universities to build a European research and innovation ecosystem. Diversity of partners increases the potential of their joint research capital. It also creates conditions for mutual development of abilities in the field of scientific excellence, innovative research and creation of innovation.

Activities under the project include the development and implementation of a common agenda for research and innovation, the preparation of European standards for the development of the scientific potential of researchers at every stage of their career, implementation of mechanisms for searching for and retaining young talents and science leaders at home universities.


Higher education