Strengthening innovation and entrepreneurship in higher education in the field of food and health is the goal of the “InterHEI” project, coordinated by the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw (UW) as part of the EIT HEI Initiative program. The project received funding of 1.2 million euro from the Horizon program.
The “InterHEI” project is implemented by a consortium consisting of 8 full partners and 4 associate partners from Poland, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Serbia and Slovakia. The consortium leader is the University of Warsaw. The project is coordinated by the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw.
According to the University of Warsaw, the main goal of the “InterHEI” project is to build the innovative capacity of universities and young enterprises in the area of food and health through the exchange of experiences and best practices of project partners. Thanks to its implementation, it will be possible to strengthen the competences of young scientists and students in the field of commercialization of research results and innovation management.