University of Warsaw considering postponing the start date for the academic year 2020/21


University of Warsaw (UW) authorities are considering postponing the start of classes in the next academic year. The official inauguration of the academic year 2020/2021 will take place within the statutory deadline of October 1, 2020, but classes will start from October 15.

The period between October 1 and October 15, 2020 would be intended for completing the application process for studies and other educational issues, whose settlement was difficult due to the pandemic, including completing diploma theses.

This is a pro-student solution. By developing an appropriate timetable, the next academic year has been designed in such a way that we avoid essentially postponing the end of the summer semester – says Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and the Quality of UW Education Prof. Jolanta Choińska-Mika.

Higher education