University of Warsaw receives the Erasmus Charter for higher education


The European Commission has awarded the University of Warsaw (UW) with the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE). The document enables universities to obtain funds for projects in the Erasmus + program in 2021-2027 in the areas of education, training, youth and sport.

The University of Warsaw has been participating in the Erasmus program since 1998. Since then, the university has completed over 25 thousand mobility acitivites. Thanks to the Erasmus + program, students, doctoral students and graduates can go abroad for part of their studies or internships. Academic teachers may also take advantage of the possibility to go abroad.

Only in the years 2014-2020, approximately 8,000 students, PhD students and employees of the University of Warsaw went abroad, and nearly 5,500 people came to Poland. Nearly 70 projects with a total value of nearly EUR 55 million were implemented, regarding mobility, methods and content of education and university management.

Higher education