University of Warsaw to organize a hackathon on tackling drought

Wojtek Laski/East News

The University of Warsaw’s (UW) Green Dialogue Platform was one of six entities in Europe to win the EIT Climate KIC competition to organise a hackathon relating to climate change issues. 

The UW project focuses on the issue of drought. The hackathon, called H2Othon, will take place on 4-5 October at the Warsaw Filter Station.

“The initiative is a pilot project of the EIT Climate-KIC community, which wants to develop a methodology for hackathons held under its auspices in the future. That is why the methodology was assessed by the jury as highly as the substantive content of the project,” says Prof Agata Dziewulska, project leader and plenipotentiary of the Rector for the Green Dialogue Platform. 

The hackathon will be supplemented by a series of additional events to prepare participants in terms of content. The organisers are keen to broaden the participants’ knowledge of water resources and raise awareness of water use in everyday life. 
