University of Wrocław joins the Academic Safety and Equality Network

R. Nawojski Uniwersytet Wrocławski

The University of Wrocław is active in the Academic Safety and Equality Network (ASBiR). The association was established after several years of informal meetings of a group of ombudsmen, rector plenipotentiaries and others active at Polish universities in the area of respecting the rights of members of the academic community and gender equality and violence prevention.

The association’s objectives are related to the mission of the higher education and science system – to provide the highest quality of education and scientific activity, to shape civic attitudes, to participate in social development and the creation of an innovation-based economy, and to create optimal conditions for freedom of scientific research and artistic creativity, freedom of teaching and the autonomy of the academic community. 

The institutionalisation will allow ASBiR to develop its activities and enter into cooperation with organisations and institutions working for civil rights in higher education.

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Higher education