University of Wrocław researcher to discover new antibiotics

Arkadiusz Ziolek/ East News

Dr Bernhard Kepplinger, assistant professor at the Department of Molecular Microbiology at the University of Wrocław, will carry out the project ‘Identification of new antibiotics by induction of inactive gene clusters’. The scientist has received almost PLN 3 million in funding for his research as part of the OPUS 24 competition of the National Science Centre.

The World Health Organisation has identified antimicrobial resistance as currently one of the greatest global threats to human health. According to the Wrocław-based scientist, it will be possible to produce antibiotics using a method called transposon mutagenesis. Transposons are small elements that can move randomly in the DNA of bacteria. 

“My team will create a special transposon to which strong activators are attached. When this transposon jumps near the genes responsible for antibiotic production, it activates these genes, leading to the creation of antibiotics”, says Dr Kepplinger.

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Medicine and biotechnology