Start Scholarship of the Foundation for Polish Science awarded to biologists from the A. Mickiewicz University in Poznań

Lukasz Gdak/East News

Dr Maja Szymańska-Lejman and Wojciech Dzięgielewski, biologists from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, have received the Start Scholarship from the Foundation for Polish Science. The distinction is awarded to outstanding young scientists with significant achievements. 

The scholarship recipients’ work focuses on the development of innovative methods that allow precise identification of crossing-over sites with high resolution. The crossing-over phenomenon plays an important role in the inheritance of desirable traits in sexually reproducing organisms. The aim of the researchers is to understand and manipulate this process, leading to the selection of economically advantageous traits.

The discoveries of the young researchers and the team as a whole are important in the context of the future of global agriculture – the research of the Poznan biologists may contribute to the development of new, intelligent strategies for plant breeding and increasing crop yields.

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Medicine and biotechnology