University of Wrocław to create a map of the diversity of species richness of vascular plants in Poland


The results of the research by botanists of the University of Wrocław will be used to create a map that will show the diversity of species richness of vascular plants in Poland. This is the first such project in Poland.

The map will be used to detect the most important factors influencing Poland’s biodiversity, it will facilitate the planning of nature protection, and it will also be used to predict biodiversity changes caused by climate warming and socio-economic processes.

Two sources of data on plant distribution will be used for the preparation: the Polish Database on Vegetation kept in the Botanical Garden of the University of Wrocław and the Atlas of the distribution of vascular plants in Poland prepared by the Jagiellonian University.

The work will be possible thanks to financing from the National Science Center (grant: “Spatial diversity of species richness of vascular plants in Poland – patterns, causative factors and anticipated changes”).

