The University of Zielona Góra has signed another cooperation agreement. This time with Relpol S. A., which focuses its activities on industrial and energy automation, power electronics and industrial and consumer electronics.
The cooperation will involve, among other things, conducting joint development work and scientific research, carrying out joint projects related to the development and implementation of product innovation and business process innovation.
“The strategic, long-term goals that we care about most at the moment, are to be competitive in relation to the business environment. The minds that are here at the university are not fully valued. I am aware of it as I graduated from this university so I am familiar with the potential that is underestimated. We believe that this cooperation will allow us to come up with new ideas, new directions that we can take in the future to achieve what we have set out for ourselves”, says Relpol S.A.’s Trade and Marketing Director. Bartłomiej Szydłowski.
Read more: https://uz.zgora.pl/aktualnosci/wspolpraca-uz-z-firma-relpol-sa-3938.html