Warsaw universities create the best conditions for PhD students


Warsaw University of Technology and the University of Warsaw took ex aequo the first place in the eleventh competition for the Most ProPhD University in Poland – PRODOK.

The second position was taken by the Jagiellonian University, the third position was taken by the Warsaw Medical University and the Gdańsk University of Technology.

The PRODOK competition is organized by the National PhD Student Representation. Its aim is to select a university that creates the best conditions for studying for PhD students and to promote good practices in PhD studies, basing on the evaluation of several categories,.
More: https://krd.edu.pl/2018/11/19/wyniki-kokursow-prodok-i-propan-2018/?fbclid=IwAR1QyT2YjbxH0XPAa1ChqlfqX7IY1SWuviANl43Pv0_EnN5Ywik33TG3z64

Higher education