Warsaw University of Life Sciences to assess the risk of the effects of chemicals on children

fot. PARC

The Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) is carrying out a project within the Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC) to assess the risk of the impact of chemicals through detailed studies of children and then initiate legislative changes at European level to protect people and the environment.

SGGW has joined the 7-year PARC project under Horizon Europe, a European Union (EU) framework programme. PARC brings together scientists and experts from 28 countries and European Union agencies. SGGW is represented by the Human Metabolism Research Laboratory of the Institute of Human Nutrition Sciences. 

SGGW will implement the study with children aged 7-11 years. Urine and hair samples will be collected from the participants and information on health status, lifestyle and diet will be obtained using appropriate questionnaires. The samples collected will be analysed using advanced laboratory methods to determine exposure to a range of hazardous chemicals.

Medicine and biotechnology