Warsaw University of Technology graduate wins SARP’s Diploma of the Year competition

Ewelina Szeląg PW

Ewelina Szeląg, who graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at the Warsaw University of Technology (PW), has won the main prize in the competition Diploma of the Year of the Society of Polish Architects (SARP).

This is the 59th time that the General Board of the Association of Polish Architects has organised the competition for the Annual Zbyszek Zawistowski Award – SARP Diploma of the Year, which rewards the best diploma theses produced in the architecture departments of Polish universities.

The Grand Prix was awarded to Ewelina Szeląg for her work “Architecture as a carrier of emotions in places of memory. Museum at Westerplatte’, prepared under the supervision of Dr. Eng. arch. Łukasz Piątek.

The black memories, the ‘Black Object’, the black and white presentation, the exhibition interiors bathed in black, all seem to be a deliberate effort by the author to build a narrative about the tragedy and to commemorate the history of this place, the competition jury emphasised. “The simple means of expression, the primordial symbolism of black and white, the minimal form and detail, the grey rawness of the concrete, all play with our emotions”, say the members of the jury.

Technical sciences