Warsaw University of Technology graduate wins ‘Wood in architecture’ competition

fot. Praca Huberta Przybyszewskiego PW

Hubert Przybyszewski from the Faculty of Architecture at the Warsaw University of Technology has won first place in the competition “Wood in architecture”. As part of his master’s thesis, he designed a complex of residential buildings in Zawady, Warsaw.

Diploma “Ordering architectural activities in chaotic urban fringe development. Design of a complex of residential buildings in Zawady, Warsaw’ was created under the supervision of Dr Eng. Grzegorz Rytel and Dr Eng. Maciej Miłobędzki.

The most important element is the preserved natural abundance in the form of intact fragments of the original wild landscape. The character of irregular, slightly jarring edges and planes emerged among the softly meandering Syta Street, the untamed line of the Wilanowka River or the jagged groups of tall trees. These became the starting point for the entire project”, explains Hubert Przybyszewski.

The competition ‘Wood in Architecture’ is organised by the Faculty of Architecture of the Bialystok University of Technology together with the companies: Unihouse SA and Danwood SA. Awards are given to the best master’s diplomas which show the qualities of wood as a construction, building and finishing material.
