On 24 September 2022, the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) will host the Festival of Young Engineers in the building of the Faculty of Physics.
Especially for this event, five Faculties of the Warsaw University of Technology have combined their efforts: Physics, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Mechatronics and Management. Each of them prepared its own tasks.
Five stands will be set up in the auditorium of the Physics Department building. There will be experiments, scientific puzzles and the opportunity to consult with specialists in various fields who will answer questions and explain even the most complicated processes.
The level of difficulty has been designed to ensure that everyone, regardless of age, will be ready to tackle the festival’s tasks.
The prepared activities include LEGO Boost races and a ride in a real robot, assembling LEGO trucks and figuring out the production process, generating fruit and vegetable electricity and energy from the sun and water, magnetic levitation, various methods of 3D printing, or playing metals and recognising the truest gold.