Warsaw University to hold the 25th Science Festival


The event was held on Friday, September 17, 2021, in the auditorium of the former Warsaw University Library, with a debate “Green economy, or is it possible to benefit from helping the planet?”. The participants wondered if there is a green economy, and if and how the environmentally friendly choices of consumers, companies and investors can be rationalized. 

The remaining main debates during the Festival will be devoted to important scientific and social issues, such as the effects of great epidemics on people; space exploration opportunities; the impact of the widespread use of the Internet on social life. The Festival will last until September 26.

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Festival, famous Polish scientists will give “Lectures for the 25th anniversary”. Prof. Zbigniew Gaciong will tell whether people live longer, Prof. Wojciech Pisula will explain what animal research that can tell us about human curiosity, and Prof. Ewa Czerniawska will present information about the importance of human smell.

