West Pomeranian University of Technology launches scientific and expert group on the Odra River 

Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny

A scientific expert group dedicated to the Odra River has been established at the West Pomeranian University of Technology (ZUT) in Szczecin. It includes ichthyologists, chemists, hydrobiologists and toxicologists. The group intends to work with the authorities on a recovery plan following the ecological disaster.

“Bearing in mind our enormous scientific and research potential, I have concluded that it is necessary to set up an expert team, which will, I hope, function well and assist both local and governmental authorities with advice, which will be needed both now and in the near future,’ said the Rector of the West Pomeranian University of Technology, Dr Jacek Wróbel, Professor at ZUT. 

ZUT researchers can undertake embryological, histological, toxicological, ichthyological, microbiological studies of water, sediments, coastal vegetation and quantitative analysis of organic chemical pollutants.

Read more: https://www.zut.edu.pl/zut-strona-glowna/informacje-biezace/article/zachodniopomorscy-naukowcy-bez-nas-rzadzacy-sobie-nie-poradza.html
