The Wrocław University of Economics in co-operation with the Regional Representation of the European Commission is inviting the participants to the Green Region Forum on 2 March – an event dedicated to the challenges of green transformation in Poland.
The thematic areas of the Forum include the challenges faced by local government units in relation to the need to transform the energy and transport sectors. The discussion will oscillate around the changing geopolitical, economic and socio-economic conditions and their impact on the implementation of the European Green Deal.
The programme of the Forum includes the conference ‘Sustainable development of the energy and transport sector in Poland. Economy – Society – Politics’, workshops and panel discussions on energy and transport. The main objective of the event is to integrate different communities around topics related to the implementation of the Green Deal postulates.
Read more: http://www.ue.wroc.pl/aktualnosci/26551/zapraszamy_na_forum_green_region.html#.Y6nn-3bMJPY