Wroclaw University of Economics joins the international project HeartBIT 4.0


The employees of the Institute of Business Information Technology at the University of Economics in Wroclaw gained funding for the HeartBIT 4.0 project. The project will be implemented as part of the prestigious Horizon 2020 program (Twinning Program).

The aim of the HeartBIT 4.0 project (Application of innovative Medical Data Science for heart diseases) is to conduct a series of trainings, workshops, consultations and to develop materials for the employees of the Faculty and Clinic of Heart Diseases at the Medical University of Wroclaw, including in the field of application of modern Big Data technologies, Data Science techniques and machine learning in medicine and the security of medical data.

The project will be implemented by a university consortium consisting of: Medical University and Wrocław University of Economics, German Technische Universität Dresden and Universität Leipzig as well as the Czech Vysoká Škola Ekonomická v Praze. The total project budget is approximately 788 thousand euro.

Higher education Medicine and biotechnology