Wrocław University of Economics to implement the Skipper project

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The Wrocław University of Economics will implement the Skipper (Skills Portfolio of Personal Development) project. For its implementation, the university has obtained around €75,000 from the Erasmus+ programme. 

The Skipper project will run from December 2022 to March 2025 in partnership with the University of Pannonia (Hungary, project leader), the University of Ljubljana and training companies from the Netherlands and Hungary. The total budget of the project is €400,000.

The aim of the project is to create a Personal Development Skills Portfolio (SKIPPER) for students, which will include their achievements during their studies, taking into account both curricular and extra-curricular development. The project is planning extensive primary and secondary research in the area of competences currently desired by employers, followed by the development of the assumed results and their testing in the target groups.

Read more: http://www.ue.wroc.pl/aktualnosci/26395/skipper_start_nowego_projektu_miedzynarodowego_na_uew.html#.Y2O8N3bMJPZ

Higher education