The promotion of biomass pellets as an alternative to hard coal and support for local residents in the creation of energy cooperatives – these are the results of a three-year BECoop project under the Horizon 2020 programme. The University of Life Sciences in Wrocław was a partner in the project.
The project ‘Introducing bioenergy-based heating technologies to the market by supporting local communities in the use of renewable energy sources (BECoop)’ was implemented by the Wrocław university with the Oborniki Śląskie municipality.
During the three-year project, biomass pellets were promoted as an alternative to hard coal. Researchers talked to residents about its properties, methods of transport, storage and use in household boilers. They also promoted the creation of energy cooperatives with the involvement of local businesses and farmers.
Read more: https://upwr.edu.pl/aktualnosci/projekt-becoop—naukowcy-upwr-promuja-bioenergie-4164.html