A zero-waste, zero-emission technology for the selective treatment of inland surface waters – a project implemented by the “TURAWA” Consortium, whose leader was the Wrocław University of Life Sciences – was awarded the Gold Medal at the POLECO International Fair for Environmental Protection in Poznań.
The model site for the project was the Turawa reservoir with a capacity of approximately 100 million m3, located on the Mała Panew River, in the Opole Province. This reservoir is known to be extremely polluted, so it was ideal for the research.
The Competition Jury appreciated the technology, especially highlighting the significant reduction of abnormal amounts of nutrients in the water, which reduce the possibility of cyanobacteria and algae growth, maintaining the natural balance within the ecosystem.
By using the award-winning solution, the environmental risk is eliminated and the potential for recreational and economic use of the water body is increased.
Read more: https://upwr.edu.pl/aktualnosci/zloty-medal-targow-poleco-dla-pomyslu-naukowcow-upwr-3910.html