Wrocław University of Science and Technology joined the international OPTIMA project 


Wrocław University of Science and Technology joined the international project OPTIMA (Open Practices, Transparency and Integrity for Modern Academia). It will allow launching a platform to provide access to open science also with Ukrainian universities.

OPTIMA is a project implemented under the Erasmus + program. Its coordinator is the Lviv National Polytechnic University. It is joined by universities from Austria, France, Ukraine and Poland, as well as organizations EURODOC, EIFL, NAQA and NASC. Participants will develop tools, good practices and training materials to help universities maintain integrity and transparency.

Scientists from the University of Technology are developing a modern platform for conference organizers for young scientists entering the track of a scientific career, i.e. students and doctoral students. It will give the opportunity to register conferences, accept, review and publish articles and accept applications.

More: https://pwr.edu.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/nauka-otwarta-dla-kazdego-politechnika-w-projekcie-optima-12103.html

Higher education