WSB Academy launches ‘Teaching Excellence – Development Programme for Teaching Staff’ project 

fot. Akademia WSB w Dąbrowie Górniczej

The WSB Academy in Dąbrowa Górnicza has received funding for the project ‘Teaching Excellence – Teaching Staff Development Programme’. The money is provided by the Funds for Social Development programme, the academy reports. 

The implementation of the project will contribute to the reorientation and optimisation of student education through the integration of sustainable development goals into the teaching process at the WSB Academy, support the development of teaching methods based on problem solving (e.g. Problem Based Learning, Design Thinkig, WebQuest), selected as leading methods at the WSB Academy.

The support is targeted at the Academy’s teaching staff and includes: training to develop content, teaching, digital and sustainability competencies, study visits to prestigious foreign universities, including Notthingam Trent University, Politecnico di Milano, Maastricht University and Stanford University, and support from a methodologist and teaching mentors.

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Higher education