Yanshan University European Institute inaugurated at the Silesian University of Technology

Politechnika Śląska

The European Institute of China’s Yanshan University has begun operations at the Silesian University of Technology. It has 61 Chinese students who will study at the following faculties: electrical engineering; mechanical engineering; chemical engineering; and automation, electronics and computer science.

The study for the Chinese-recruited students is expected to last four years and will be conducted in a ‘1+3’ scheme. This means that for the first two semesters (one year), classes are held at Yanshan University and for the following three years at the Silesian University of Technology. Students will receive a graduation certificate and a bachelor’s diploma from Yanshan University and an engineering diploma from the Silesian University of Technology.

The Yanshan University European Institute was established in February 2021 by the Silesian University of Technology and Yanshan University from China. Its aim is to jointly educate Polish, Chinese and foreign students.

Read more: https://www.polsl.pl/ps_aktualnosci/instytut-europejski-uniwersytetu-yanshan-zainaugurowal-dzialalnosc/

Higher education