The newest Polish Returns program, which will be announced by the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) at the beginning of May, will be expanded to include an application component financed by the National Center for Research and Development (NCBR). The agreement was signed by the director of NAWA, Dr Grażyna Żebrowska, and Dr Remigiusz Kopoczek, acting director of the NCBR.
The aim of the NAWA Polish Returns program is to enable outstanding Polish scientists to return to the country and take up employment in Polish universities and research institutes.
NAWA encourages scientists to apply for research grants that will provide additional research funding. The starting grant allows scientists to start research immediately after returning to Poland. From 2020, it is possible to obtain a starting grant for basic research in the form of a research component paid for by the National Science Center.
In response to the demand reported by scientists, NAWA and the NCBR offer a possibility of starting grant for applied research. It is financed by the National Center for Research and Development and is addressed for the winners of Polish Returns who will plan projects in the area of application research and development works. A single application component may even amount to PLN 400,000.