Dr Katarzyna Patejuk from the Department of Plant Protection at the Wrocław University of Life Sciences will carry out research to identify and describe new species of phytopathogenic fungi from the genera Colletotrichum, Coniochaeta and Plectosphaerella, which are new to science. She has won a grant for this purpose under the Miniatura competition of the National Science Centre.
As the Wrocław-based researcher explains, despite years of research, the kingdom of fungi is still one of the least studied. Indeed, it is estimated that only 7 % of the 2.2 – 3.8 million fungi in the world are known to date, and depending on the source, only up to 120,000 species have been described.
Fungi in microscopic dish cultures have served for years in the development of many fields, including pharmacology (first antibiotics, intermediates used in drug production), food technology (flavourings and food colourings), and direct food production (mould cheese, soy sauce, fermentation products).
Read more: https://upwr.edu.pl/aktualnosci/miniatura-7-dla-trojki-naukowcow-z-upwr-4248.html#kot1