Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń has won more than €100,000 for the operation of the Polar Station in Spitsbergen. This brought the base into the POLARIN (Polar Research Infrastructure Network) consortium of 50 partners with world-class infrastructure in polar regions.
POLARIN is an international network of polar research infrastructures and their services. It includes, among others: Arctic and Antarctic research stations, research vessels and icebreakers operating at both poles, observatories, data infrastructures and ice and sediment core repositories.
POLARIN enables and facilitates the understanding and prediction of processes in the polar regions. It contributes to understanding and predicting the impacts of a changing climate on: sea ice and polar oceans; sea level changes, glacier stability and melting; carbon balance and permafrost; polar ecosystems and biodiversity; atmospheric dynamics and (paleo) climate processes.
Read more: https://portal.umk.pl/pl/article/stacja-polarna-w-miedzynarodowej-sieci