Silesian scientists have patented materials that can be used to create membranes for oxygenators. Thanks to their properties, they will be able to serve patients with respiratory or circulatory failure.
In a life-threatening situation, when the patient’s lungs stop working, the ECMO (Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation) technique can be used. This consists of artificially supplying oxygen to the body and removing carbon dioxide when the patient is unable to do so independently. One of the problems with these solutions was the membranes used in the oxygenators, made of polypropylene or polyurethane, which led to an inflammatory reaction.
Researchers from the University of Silesia and the Academy of Physical Education in Katowice have developed and patented organic membranes that only allow particles of a certain size to pass through, are designed for medical applications and have anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant properties, reports the University of Silesia.
Read more: https://us.edu.pl/cykl-wynalazkow-ktory-wspomoze-dzialanie-tzw-sztucznego-pluco-serca/