The Department of Early Childhood Education at the University of Szczecin is inviting participants to the 5th National Scientific Conference: From Korczak to Kulmowa. The child and the ‘language of early education’, which will take place on 23 and 24 March at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Szczecin.
The conference is linked to the ninety-fifth anniversary of the birth of poet Joanna Kulmowa, author of plays about Korczak, and the hundredth anniversary of the publication of Janusz Korczak’s dylogies (King Matt the First and King Matt on a Desert Island).
The event has an interdisciplinary character and is addressed to pedagogues, psychologists, literary scholars, linguists, sociologists, all those interested in the pedagogy of the child and the pedagogy of early education. It is intended to show the influence of early childhood education pedagogy on the convergence of other social and humanistic disciplines, to highlight its immense importance, evident usefulness and spectacular impact on the formation of human subjectivity and lifelong development.
Read more: https://usz.edu.pl/zaproszenie-do-udzialu-w-ogolnopolskiej-konferencji-naukowej/