19th meeting of the General Council for Science and Higher Education

fot. MNiSW

The 19th meeting of the General Council for Science and Higher Education (GSC) was held at the headquarters of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education Andrzej Szeptycki participated in the session.

During the meeting, current challenges in science and higher education were discussed. Also on the agenda were matters related to the adoption of the report on the activities of the ESC and the 2023 Disciplinary Committee, as well as resolutions on supplementing the composition of the presidium, approving the amended composition of committees and amending the council’s statutes. The participants also gave their opinion on the action plan of the National Academic Exchange Agency and the National Science Centre for 2024. 

The General Council for Science and Higher Education is a representative institution of the higher education and science community. It interacts with public authorities in the area of state science policy.
