4EU + Alliance to hold General Assembly


From 3 to 5 November 2021, the General Assembly of the 4EU + Alliance, which participant is also the University of Warsaw (UW), will be held in Heidelberg, Germany.

The 4EU + alliance is a network of six European research universities, which includes: the University of Warsaw, University of Heidelberg (Germany), Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic), University of Copenhagen (Denmark), University of Milan (Italy) and Sorbonne University (France). In 2019, the Alliance received the status of a European university in the pilot competition of the European Commission “European Universities” financed by the Erasmus + program.

The annual meeting will be attended by rectors, vice-chancellors, members of the Governing Board, the Management Committee, the General Secretariat, heads of local 4EU + offices, members of the program committees of four Flagships implemented as part of the Alliance, researchers involved in work on research projects, members of the Student Committee, as well as working groups from six universities belonging to consortium.

Events Higher education