Koszalin University of Technology to receive 135 thousand PLN for the development of a protective helmet


Researchers from the Koszalin University of Technology will develop a reusable helmet for medical and public services. The Marshal’s Office in Szczecin under the project “Socially responsible Proto_Lab” implemented 135 thousand PLN for research.

The money will be used to develop and test technologies supporting medical and rescue services in the fight against coronavirus. The “Socially Responsible Proto_Lab” project is part of the West Pomeranian Anti-Crisis Package.

The University of Koszalin will carry out strength tests of various design solutions of helmet elements made of materials for printing in the Fused Deposition Modeling technology. The task includes optimization of the project from the angle of the speed of making visors by the incremental method. Researchers will also check whether such visors are resistant to disinfectants and are biodegradable.

Innovations Medicine and biotechnology