Researcher of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences to study the impact of hydroelectric power plants on the environment


Paweł Tomczyk from the Institute of Environmental Engineering of the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław will study the impact of hydroelectric power plants on the natural environment. He obtained a grant for his research in the Preludium competition organized by the National Science Center. 

The research will be carried out at six hydroelectric power plants located along the entire course of the Bóbr River. This gives him a chance to obtain a comprehensive picture of the impact of these objects not only on the river itself, but also on fish, plankton, benthos and macrophytes in the context of various environmental conditions. The results are interesting to owners of hydropower plants looking for environmentally friendly solutions with scientists as partners in the project.

‘Based on this research, a computer hydrodynamic model will be developed to help estimate this impact. This solution has application potential for the hydroelectric plants themselves, but for now I am focusing on basic research, not implementation – says Tomczyk.

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