Dr Piotr Wcisło, the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń from the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, received the prestigious award of the National Science Centre – a prestigious distinction for researchers working in Polish scientific centres who are under 40 years of age.
The physicist from Toruń was awarded for developing a new method of searching for dark matter using optical atomic clocks and for using ultra-precise laser spectroscopy to test quantum theory and search for new physics (beyond the existing theory of the structure of matter).
The National Science Centre Prize is awarded in three areas: humanities, social and arts sciences, science and technology sciences and life sciences. The basic criterion used by the committee assessing the candidates’ achievements is their scientific excellence and international recognition. The prize has been awarded since 2013.
Read more: https://portal.umk.pl/pl/article/nagroda-za-nowa-fizyke