Opole University of Technology is the second university in Poland to introduce the Badge+ Open Badges system. It is an innovative, international standard for digital certification of verified achievements, skills and competences.
The Badge+ system is a web-based application that makes it possible to collect and share digital certification of learning outcomes, the attainment of various achievements that will be documented and defined by specific award criteria. The system is linked to the introduction of the Integrated Qualifications System. It is a response to changes in the labour market and the economy.
The system is based on digital badges with encoded and secured information necessary to identify for what a badge was awarded, who received it and by whom it was issued. The system can be accessed by outsiders, such as recruiters who, for example, want to check a candidate’s competences.
Read more: https://wu.po.opole.pl/system-odznaka-na-politechnice-opolskiej/