Gdansk University of Technology supercomputer to be launched soon

grupa NDI Politechnika Gdańska

Gdansk University of Technology is completing the STOS Competence Centre project, which will house one of the fastest supercomputers in Europe today. This will be one of the most modern IT centres in this part of Europe.

The facility was built on the campus of the University of Technology. It houses the so-called bunker, a place with a complex of server rooms and one of the fastest supercomputers in Europe, enabling the collection, processing and archiving of huge data sets, as well as the performance of complex simulations in scientific research.

Once the complex and supercomputer are operational, the university will gain the ability to carry out advanced research and problem-solving work in virtually all areas of our lives, including medicine, biotechnology, physics and astronomy. The investment will support implementation research and contribute to the commercialisation of research projects carried out by scientists.

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Technical sciences