Cooperation between the University of Szczecin and the Szczecin Science and Technology Park

Uniwersytet w Szczecinie

The University of Szczecin will collaborate with the Szczecin Science and Technology Park (SPNT) The agreement signed by the partners envisages joint research projects, consultations, as well as apprenticeships and internships for students. 

The university offers substantive support and scientific consultations, while the Park guarantees participation in innovative projects. An important element of the cooperation agreement is also the provision on SPNT’s patronage of the Business Intelligence in the Economy course planned to be launched in the new academic year. 

A graduate of this course will be familiar with the basic patterns of consumer behaviour on the Internet and in information and communication systems and will understand the impact of information and communication technologies on the functioning of an organisation and its stakeholders. He or she will also have knowledge of e-business technology and practical skills in the use of specialised applications and be familiar with advanced analysis methods.

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Modern economy