Book by Wrocław University of Economics researchers is the best academic textbook in economics

Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu

The book Institutional Economics by researchers at Wrocław University of Economics has won the Polish Economic Society’s competition for the best academic textbook in economics.

The Competition Chapter of the Polish Economic Society at its meeting in Warsaw awarded the first prize in the Polish Economic Society’s competition for the best academic textbook in economics published in 2020-2022 to the authors of the textbook “Institutional Economics” from the Wrocław University of Economics: Bożena Borkowska, Mikołaj Klimczak and Bożena Klimczak. 

The textbook is intended for students of economics, finance and management and those interested in economic sciences. The authors discuss the development of studies and empirical research on the importance of institutions as formal and informal, written and unwritten rules, creating a system of incentives for individual economic decisions. 

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Modern economy