A student of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology wins the international competition “Terra Pura”


Szymon Król, a student of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology has won an international competition for the design of a terrace or an observation center, pavilion or observation point in the Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania. The organizer of the competition was UNI Platform that brings together over 150 thousand architects and designers from all over the world.  

Szymon Król designed a building with a terrace and an observation tower. The object, with a bamboo roof and walls made of local soil well refers to the local terrain – craters and mountains, such as Ngorongoro and Kilimanjaro, and fits in the traditions of African architecture of the region, for which the domed finials of the building are very characteristic.

Works in the “Terra Pura” competition were evaluated by an international jury composed of experienced architects from the USA, Belgium and Great Britain. The UNI platform regularly organizes contests in which it indicates the location and topic of the project, participated by young architects, mostly students from universities from all over the world.

More: https://pwr.edu.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/student-pwr-zaprojektowal-wyjatkowy-punkt-widokowy-w-tanzanii-i-wygral-miedzynarodowy-konkurs-12019.html

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